6 tips to overcome laziness

The gloomy and rainy days we’ve been experiencing in Mississauga over the last few days can easily put a damper on our intentions to go to the gym. It almost feels like a huge undertaking just to put together our gym gear and head on out to our car. But we can’t let procrastination win.

Here are a few tips to keep us motivated to move despite of this gloomy weather.

1. Make a conscious decision to choose a healthier lifestyle. By making a choice, we internalize the power to become better resulting in sparking our drive. We’re not suggesting you run a 10-mile race or go crazy in the weight room off the bat but MAKE THE DECISION first.

2. Pick an activity that will challenge your heart rate without overexerting yourself and DO IT. My 87 year old grandma is as healthy as a horse and she credits her habits of walking miles and miles a day while she was younger to save money to stay active and save money.

3. Put a time limit on your exercise or your visit to the gym. Creating a time limit for ourselves focuses us to do only the necessary in the gym and continue on other tasks with enough energy. Avoid the chatter zone in the gym.

4. Be sure to keep hydrated by drinking water during and after workout. No, you can’t use beer or red wine as a substitute.

5. Eat at home. Load up on lean proteins, vegetables and fruits. It’s cheaper and you’ll guarantee to consume less calories when you prepare your own meals.

6. Stay on your feet. When talking to your neighbours, browsing the books in the library or select activities that will keep you on your feet. It’ll help with circulation and strengthens your legs and back.

There is no need to be a gym rat or a fitness buff to live a healthy lifestyle. Our choices of food and the type of activities we do are more important to our overall health. Keep your mind and body engaged at all times and soon your healthy choices will become your norm. Living healthier is a lifestyle. It shouldn’t have to be an expensive choice.

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